Homeland Security cant tell LED from IED

February 1, 2007

Lite-Brite’s Shut-Down Beantown

That’s right folks Boston was brought to its knee’s yesterday by a number of suspicious looking devices planted all over the city. Police were called. Traffic was halted. Panic ensued, at least among panic prone politicos and Jack Bauer wanna-be ‘s. Thankfully, the bomb squad was called out and blew up a number of the devices. Yes thats right, the Bomb Squad! However, since the devices were LED not IED the Bomb Squad had to bring their own explosives with which to blow-up the devices.

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Olbermann’s Beats O’reilly: Its all over for Fox News

October 2, 2006

Bill O’Reilly and FNC, officially Irrelevant?

Reflecting America’s revulsion with the shrill propaganda peddled by the neo-con zealots, the Fox News Channel (FNC) has been suffering a ratings slide that is only matched in intensity by the plunging credibility of the network. In desperation FNC is doing everything it can to sap the limited intelligence of ordinary Americans and dupe them back into watching the drivel on FNC. However according to many independent sources its not working, viewership continues to plummet, ratings continue to drop, people are turning away in droves and management has begun to panic.

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