Cheating on Pandora with Musicovery

I’ve been a pretty loyal Pandora user for over a year now. I havent strayed to nor have I been tempted by, which is damned appealing. But for some reason Musicovery has now caught my eye. Maybe its SSP#1 thats got me into it, but after looking over the site last night I’ve become addicted. The simplest way to think of Musicovery is Pandora without the musical accuracy but with genre jumping and visualizations. Musicovery is a thick, sexy video vixen with pretty bad manners and no conversation, while Pandora is more like the cute girl next door that knows your favorite foods. Sure, eventually I’ll grow tired of Musicovery but for right now it sounds so good.

3 Responses to Cheating on Pandora with Musicovery

  1. […] 2007 Even though I’m into, if any (of those), I do understand if some Panora maniac cheets on them the alternative has to be worth a glimpse. So, it was that also impressed me … […]

  2. tv243 says:

    like it is not free anymore

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